Living A Luminous Life Is Possible
Welcome! I’m Lora DeVore, an author, therapist, educator and catalyst for transformational change for both health care individuals & institutions. My wisdom comes from the field of psychology, transpersonal development, and spiritual psychology. Most importantly, it comes from the inside out. It comes from facing the darkest aspects of human experience and mining the dark for the treasures that can be found.
The picture of me on the front of the book above was taken at age seven. I was extremely self-conscious and painfully shy then. When threatened, I froze and would slip back into a deep mute state of terror. But when no one was around, a more ethereal me came out as a free spirited make-believe ballerina, a lover of spiderwebs, flowers and the smell and colors of autumn leaves. She came out in creativity and make-believe play. And she came out in the silence of the church stairwell as she listened enraptured to the God of Mystery raining down on her head from above as the choir rehearsed on Saturdays. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t understand the Latin words. She felt them throughout her entire body and knew that this holiness was real and it held her in it’s embrace.
My life has been one of extreme dark and life-giving light. Over time, I’ve not not only moved through post-traumatic growth but beyond, as I’m transcending all previous limitations to living a Luminous Life.
And you can too.
Lora integrates her experience as a psychotherapist and educator in her role at PrairieCare in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and she has been a senior faculty member with the internationally recognized Center for Mind Body Medicine in Washington, D.C. for the past twenty years.
Publisher Book overview
Born into poverty and violence, Lora’s early life was one of extreme vulnerability. She was prostituted for the first time at the age of nine and suffered unspeakable treatment from those who should have protected her. The impact of this early trauma led to her institutionalization soon after she started college, an incarceration she would not have survived but for a courageous nurse, Sydney Krampitz, (see video below) who fought for her release.
Fifty years later, after a long career as a successful mental health professional, and recognized as a leading educator and sought-after public speaker, Lora revisited the grounds of the Illinois state mental hospital where she was once kept in inhumane, degrading, and life-threatening circumstances. This profound and compelling memoir traces her life as a survivor of child abuse, sex trafficking, illegal pharmacological drug research, and institutional abuse. Having experienced such horrifying and traumatic events, how did she survive? And to what purpose? Seeking the resolution to these unanswered questions, Lora’s experiences illuminate and validate the power of love and the strength of the indomitable human spirit that lives within each one of us.
This is her story.
Lora Devore - Conversation with Dr. Sydney krampitz, ph. d.
“She saved my life.” -Lora

To Know the Dark
To go into the dark with a light
is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark.
Go without sight and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
-Wendell Berry
For Health Care Individuals and Institutions, Medical Schools, Mental Health Practitioners & Institutions, etc.
For healthcare providers who long to discover other ways to address trauma, healing, and wholeness.
Live Events
Book Signings, Webinars, Interviews, Television Appearances, and Other Events Coming Soon
Trauma is a normal reaction to abnormal circumstances that overwhelms the nervous system
Perhaps, a traumatic event creates an opening to a portal – an opportunity to discover a more expanded version of yourself. What if the ancient mystics were right, that a dark night of the soul is pregnant with possibility, filled with the potential to wake us up out of our conditioned state of complacency into the place of the unconditioned Self, a place where unmanifested possibilities become available to us. Can you imagine being with the gift of ALL THAT IS? Do you know how to find your way through life’s most challenging moments and rest in That place?
Resides in the physical body
Trauma resides in the physical body and the energy body. It also resides in the beliefs that are carried forward after the experience. It can create challenges to all aspects of life. An integrated approach that deals with the whole person - including the Spiritual - is the most effective way to fully heal.
Lora’s work with Irreducible Grace Foundation on trauma
The suffering of trauma
The suffering of trauma often becomes an existential crisis in which people ask themselves big questions. Why did this happen to me? Will I ever be the same? Is life worth living? It is normal to ask these questions, and the answers are found in how a person navigates the journey and the guide along the way.
full flowering takes time, nourishment and support
creating a plan that works for you
Together we will develop an integrated plan to help those you work with achieve wholeness. I will work with you as needed to combine the practices of mindfulness, meditation, physical movement, deep inquiry, spiritual psychology, body work, energetic release and more.
Fishing For Fallen Light
Love's Awakening